Facebook groups are an ideal way to band together with other Facebook users around a common cause or theme. It's a popular way for users to express their individuality and find like-minded users with whom they can interact. If you are the administrator or owner of a Facebook group, you can change your group's name instantaneously with just a few clicks of your mouse. This is ideal if your group has a new focus or theme, or if you notice a spelling error in the name.
Read more: How to Change Your Facebook Group Name | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5899582_change-facebook-group-name.html#ixzz11b6AuZF5
Read more: How to Change Your Facebook Group Name | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5899582_change-facebook-group-name.html#ixzz11b6AuZF5