
Thomas Jefferson: Why is Freedom of Speech so valued by the Left?

Thomas Jefferson: Why is Freedom of Speech so valued by the Left?

Jefferson – President in 1800
In 1796 he stood for President but lost narrowly to John Adams, however under the terms of the constitution, this was sufficient to become Vice President. In the run up to the next election of 1800 Jefferson fought a bitter campaign. In particular the Alien and sedition act of 1798 led to the imprisonment of many newspaper editors who supported Jefferson and were critical of the existing government. However Jefferson was narrowly elected and this allowed him to promote open and representative government. On being elected, he offered a hand of friendship to his former political enemies. He also allowed the Sedition act to expire and promoted the practical existence of free speech.

Thomas Jefferson



文字营的反思之为什么不博客        在今天资讯爆炸的时代里,集体讨论的太多,但是很快变就成过眼云烟,就如大数据时代人的思想行为越来越碎片化。今天无论是任何社交媒体最害怕的是无穷无尽的问候,各种形式的图片与caption。甚至一些比较严肃的社群已经发出警告,除了讨论严肃...